
Christina and Isabella Owners & Chihuahua Lovers
Christina with her daughter, Isabella, with one of their little pups; hence the name, Isabella Christy’s Chihuahuas
At Isabella Christy's Chihuahuas we breed for health, temperament, and conformation as we strive to better the breed. Our dogs' health and happiness are first and foremost.
Our adult dogs and puppies are not just pets, but a part of our family. All puppies are raised and kept in our home as a huge part of our everyday lives. They sleep in our beds and have free roam of our home.
Our sweet babies bring us so much happiness and we are so excited to be able to share the love with our chihuahua family and friends and new customers.
We believe in a holistic approach and do not use any pesticide toxins here. Our puppies are handled from day one and socialized daily so you take home a well adjusted great disposition new family member.